Archive for Category: Caffeine

  • Sulbutiamine vs. Caffeine, Why Sulbutiamine is better than Caffeine

    >Why Sulbutiamine is Better Than Caffeine Introduction Lots of people depend on coffee in order to get through their everyday lives. However, what they do not understand is that there are a lot of negatives of coffee, which they are not aware of, and especially in regular caffeine usage. These actually cause damage to their health and well being. A recent alternative that has developed for caffeine, is sulbutiamine. However, a lot of people are asking nowadays as to why sulbutiamine...
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  • Is Caffeine a Nootropic?

    Get a much more powerful stimulant combo here with our Phenylpiracetam/Adrafinil Combo Pack! Buy Adrafinil and Phenylpiracetam Here Is Caffeine a Nootropic? Caffeine is taken quite often with nootropic stacks,  as it enhances the cognitive skills of the brain as well as energizes the person under its influence. Is Caffeine a nootropic, is a question that you may ask? Well, it is a known stimulant, however, does not categorise under a nootropic, technically. It is seen to have shown...
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  • How to Cure a Hangover

    Estimated Read Time: 6-7 Minutes The Cure I will keep this short and sweet because if you are reading this, you probably have a hangover Things you'll need: 1. A jug of Gatorade, and a multivitamin bottle 2. A shower, A PIZZA 3. Phenylpiracetam 4. Melatonin 5. Running shoes The moment you wake up, chug the entire bottle of gatorade, take two multivitamins and a melatonin, and go back to sleep for a few hours. Upon awakening, take 100 milligrams of phenylpiracetam and go...
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  • How to Buy a Stock at Lower than its Quoted Share Price!

    Estimated Read Time: 4-5 Minutes How to Buy a Stock When you see a share price that a ticker symbol is estimated at, it is normally just that, an estimate of what the share price is at that moment. Because stocks fluctuate at such a high degree throughout the day however, you can usually buy a stock at a quote that is lower than its currently (as in for the day's) quoted share price. How to do this: First, select a stock that you feels fluctuates around 5% each day. Go to your brokerage...
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  • How to Break the Vicious Morning Caffeine Cycle

    Estimated Read Time: 4-5 Minutes Identifying the Cycle How often do we reach for a cup of Joe in the morning? In the morning, a hot cup of liquid with a stimulant in it can sound like your best friend. Use it too much however, and you can develop a mental and physical dependence on it, causing you to wake up feeling even groggier and more lethargic than usual. It is a very common thing, however for maximum efficiency should actually be used only in moderation..not for daily overuse! Breaking...
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  • What is the Closest Nootropic Stack to Adderall?

    Estimated Read Time: 7-8 Minutes Best Daily Adderall Alternative Get the Most Powerful Nootropic on the Market Right Here, Hydrafinil! With the growing knowledge about how dangerous amphetamine use can be, even in the dosages prescribed in ADHD medications, it’s easy to turn to nootropics for a cleaner, healthier, more conscientious alternative. Adderall’s main effects come in the form of focus, motivation, energy, drive, and in some cases, small improvements in short term...
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