Morning Glory Experiences

They call it Heavenly Blue and with good reason: I first heard about Morning Glory seeds from a post on I was in my early twenties at the time and experimenting with psychotropics and different strains of marijuana. This was my first time seeking out a proper psychedelic compound.

Some of you may be confused right about now. No doubt if you have visited a flower shop or a Home Depot, you have come across a little packet labeled Morning Glory. You just assumed they were like any old plant, am I right?

Well, you’re half right as Morning Glory is a popular climbing plant, but what many people don’t know is that Morning Glory actually contains LSA (Lysergic Acid Amide), a tryptamine that’s the sister drug to LSD (Lysergic Acid Diamide).

After I read about it back in the day, I went to the store and picked up a couple of packets. A buddy and I ventured out into the woods with a print-out of our instructions. The post we had read warned of the chemicals manufacturers spray on the seeds to try and discourage curious seekers from attempting to use the seeds for “illicit purposes.” So we brought with us a large bottle of spring water along with a handkerchief and a hammer (for smashing the seeds into a “fine powder”).

There were only two problems: 1) No matter how much you smash these resistant seeds with a basic household hammer, they never turn into powder so much as something resembling the shells of sunflower seeds. There are shards and pulp. And 2) The chemicals used to spray Morning Glory seeds cling to the shells and are quite water-resistant. Consequently, you end up digesting the chemical regardless of your efforts.

To say the initial reaction of Morning Glory is unpleasant is tantamount to saying a two-ton anvil is a tad on the heavy side. Within fifteen to twenty minutes of ingesting the splintered particles of the seeds, my friend and I were writhing around on the forest floor, seized by anguished pains in our guts. The chemicals had gone to work and I felt the nerves in the bottoms of my feet seemingly wringing themselves out like a thirsty washcloth.

You are gripped by the sense that you are dying, that you have no doubt gone and poisoned yourself. Which you have in a matter of speaking. Luckily, this feeling eventually passed and the effects of the poisonous chemical were replaced by the blissful serenity instilled by the Morning Glory seeds themselves.

It is hard to compare Morning Glory to other psychedelics or recreational drugs as it is a very signature brand of euphoria and madness. For instance, a threshold dose of Morning Glory’s counterpart acid (or LSD) elicits very mild effects—color is more vibrant, you become slightly more tactile, and your general awareness of both yourself (your body) and your surroundings is heightened. But Morning Glory is another beast altogether; this one can induce interminable paroxysms and long fits of uncontrollable laughter.

As you’ve probably seen in pop culture entertainment, the stereotype about psychedelic drugs is that they make you see things that are not there or warp things that really are. Personally, I have never had that experience on any other substance but Morning Glory. For the first and only time, I swear I saw a purple rabbit scurrying around in the brush. After trying to chase it to no avail, I ended up collapsing against a tree, laughing my head off until I promptly started jumping up and down as if on a trampoline.

Every user is different and no two people will probably have the exact same experience. But on the evidence available online, the general consensus is that Morning Glory is one long-lasting trip. One user who took 200 seeds reported: “melting and morphing visuals, patterning, and breathing.” Another user ate 650 seeds and tripped hard, concluding, “I need to find a downside to this drug or I will have to fill my garden with the plant.”

As with all nootropics, users should not judge dosages or experiences contained herein. In my personal opinion, 650 of anything is an ill-advised dose. The following is a general guideline from Erowid:

50-100 seeds = Light effect

100-250 seeds = Standard effect

250-400 seeds = Strong effectiveness

400 or more seeds = Heavy effect

For best results, follow the instructions on vendor websites and do your research.

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