Showing 101 – 120 of 540 results

  • What Is The Best Piracetam Dosage? As each person’s biology is vastly different, there is no one perfect Piracetam dosage that fits all sizes. As a general rule, however, 1-3 800mg capsules taken 1-3 times daily typically is a good starting point and should be adjusted from this dose as needed. Piracetam is a nootropic […]

    What Is The Best Piracetam Dosage?

    What Is The Best Piracetam Dosage? As each person's biology is vastly different, there is no one perfect Piracetam dosage that fits all sizes. As a general rule, however, 1-3 800mg capsules taken 1-3 times daily typically is a good starting point and should be adjusted from this dose as needed. Piracetam is a nootropic supplement (meaning it is a substance which improves the function of at least one aspect of mental function and performance) whose use has been found to be beneficial in decreasing...
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  • What is Sulbutiamine UK Laws? For those looking forward to enhancing their cognitive abilities and do more with their time, Sulbutiamine can be the stimulant for productivity and long-term focus. Aimed to help increase brain activity so that you can focus more and think clearly, this is one of the best drugs available in the […]

    The UK Legal Status Of And Regulations For Using Sulbutiamine

    What is Sulbutiamine UK Laws? For those looking forward to enhancing their cognitive abilities and do more with their time, Sulbutiamine can be the stimulant for productivity and long-term focus. Aimed to help increase brain activity so that you can focus more and think clearly, this is one of the best drugs available in the market. Sulbutiamine is an artificial derivative of Thiamine. This synthetic Thiamine molecule is a better substitute for naturally occurring Vitamin B1 as it can cross the...
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  • What Is Uridine Monophosphate Synthase? For the purposes of this article, “Uridine Monophosphate” is a really long word for a nootropic….so it will be referred to as “UMP.” I know, I know, I’m lazy af…sue me;) What is Uridine Monophosphate Synthase? For those aiming to develop their cognitive abilities and focus more on their work, UMP […]

    What Is Uridine Monophosphate Synthase?

    What Is Uridine Monophosphate Synthase? For the purposes of this article, "Uridine Monophosphate" is a really long word for a it will be referred to as "UMP." I know, I know, I'm lazy af...sue me;) What is Uridine Monophosphate Synthase? For those aiming to develop their cognitive abilities and focus more on their work, UMP is a good choice. It helps them increase their productivity levels and do more with their life. So, what exactly does this drug do? Uridine Monophosphate (UMP)...
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  • What Is Acetyl L-Carnitine? Acetyl-L-Carnitine is also called ALCAR and is a well researched nutritional supplement that is synthesized to provide a more bioavailable form of L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine is a derivative of amino acid lysine. L-Carnitine is made naturally in the human body by the kidneys and liver and then transported to other tissues such […]

    The Use Of Acetyl L-Carnitine In The UK

    What Is Acetyl L-Carnitine? Acetyl-L-Carnitine is also called ALCAR and is a well researched nutritional supplement that is synthesized to provide a more bioavailable form of L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine is a derivative of amino acid lysine. L-Carnitine is made naturally in the human body by the kidneys and liver and then transported to other tissues such as the heart and the brain. Acetyl-L-Carnitine functions as an antioxidant and induces the production of glutathione that is a free radical scavenger...
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  • What Is Bacopa Monnieri? Bacopa Monnieri, also called Brahmi, is water hyssop and Herpestis Monniera, and it belongs to the family of Scrophulariaceae. Bacopa Monnieri is a creeping perennial plant with small oblong leaves and purple flowers found in warm wetlands and native to India and Australia. It is ordinarily found as a weed in […]

    The Benefits And Effects Of Bacopa Monnieri On Memory

    What Is Bacopa Monnieri? Bacopa Monnieri, also called Brahmi, is water hyssop and Herpestis Monniera, and it belongs to the family of Scrophulariaceae. Bacopa Monnieri is a creeping perennial plant with small oblong leaves and purple flowers found in warm wetlands and native to India and Australia. It is ordinarily found as a weed in rice fields. This plant grows entirely in East Asia and the United States. The entire plant is used as medicine. The main nootropic constituents of Bacopa Monnieri...
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  • What Is Piracetam? Nootropics are the new frontier of smart drug innovation. Such supplements are becoming more and more popular and it’s important for those looking to start such a regimen to research emerging supplement trends as much as possible. The most popular family of smart drugs is definitely the racetam family, and the drug, […]

    A User’s Experience Of Piracetam Use

    What Is Piracetam? Nootropics are the new frontier of smart drug innovation. Such supplements are becoming more and more popular and it's important for those looking to start such a regimen to research emerging supplement trends as much as possible. The most popular family of smart drugs is definitely the racetam family, and the drug, Piracetam, is easily the most widely used version of this nootropic. This is a nootropic supplement that has seen a dramatic popularity increase recently. Reviews...
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  • What Is Alpha GPC Choline? Alpha GPC Choline is a good source of dietary nutrient choline. While many people are deficient in choline, it is actually a very important nutrient. It’s similar to the B-complex vitamins, and these are water-soluble vitamins that people need to consume in large numbers each and every day for the […]

    The Effects Of Using Alpha GPC Choline

    What Is Alpha GPC Choline? Alpha GPC Choline is a good source of dietary nutrient choline. While many people are deficient in choline, it is actually a very important nutrient. It's similar to the B-complex vitamins, and these are water-soluble vitamins that people need to consume in large numbers each and every day for the sake of their health. Many severe health problems were prevented in the twentieth century when more food was fortified with B-vitamins. It is possible that the people who supplement...
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  • What Is N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, And How Does It Compare To Regular Tyrosine? This is a popular brain supplement which is composed of amino acids and it’s critical for different body functions such as building muscles, improving cognitive processes as well as cell growth and recovery. According to experts, consumption of the supplement has been found […]

    A Comparison Of N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine And L-Tyrosine

    What Is N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, And How Does It Compare To Regular Tyrosine? This is a popular brain supplement which is composed of amino acids and it’s critical for different body functions such as building muscles, improving cognitive processes as well as cell growth and recovery. According to experts, consumption of the supplement has been found to improve brain and body performance, therefore, alleviating stress, stimulating one’s mind and improving neural communication. The formulation...
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  • What Is Alpha Lipoic Acid? Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant that is found in certain types of food and is created by the body. This antioxidant can be found in yeast, broccoli, kidney, liver, and potatoes. Unfortunately, many people do not get enough of this antioxidant to gain therapeutic results. Diet alone typically cannot […]

    Is Alpha Lipoic Acid Legal In The UK?

    What Is Alpha Lipoic Acid? Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant that is found in certain types of food and is created by the body. This antioxidant can be found in yeast, broccoli, kidney, liver, and potatoes. Unfortunately, many people do not get enough of this antioxidant to gain therapeutic results. Diet alone typically cannot offer higher levels of Alpha Lipoic Acid which is why many people have made the wise decision to take a supplement so they can truly benefit from the antioxidant. Benefits There...
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  • What is Mucuna Pruriens? Mucuna Pruriens, or L-Dopa, is the kind of drug that you need for arousing your brain activity. For people who tend to feel moody all the time, they could benefit from this drug that helps them to improve the mood in most cases. That is not the only thing the Mucuna Pruriens […]

    Understanding The Benefits Of Mucuna Pruriens

    What is Mucuna Pruriens? Mucuna Pruriens, or L-Dopa, is the kind of drug that you need for arousing your brain activity. For people who tend to feel moody all the time, they could benefit from this drug that helps them to improve the mood in most cases. That is not the only thing the Mucuna Pruriens can do, it can still work on your memory and cognitive functions to make you alert and attentive most of the time. Many athletes are now using it to help them burn more fat. With Mucuna Pruriens as...
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  • What Is Phenibut? With the prevalence in popularity in nootropics and other similar smart drugs, there is an urgent need for the public at large to be informed as to all the benefits and dangers of these supplements. One of the most powerful and potent such supplements that have had it’s profile increases lately is […]

    What Is The Best Phenibut Dosage?

    What Is Phenibut? With the prevalence in popularity in nootropics and other similar smart drugs, there is an urgent need for the public at large to be informed as to all the benefits and dangers of these supplements. One of the most powerful and potent such supplements that have had it's profile increases lately is the neuropsychotropic drug, Phenibut. Its rise in popularity suggests that it actually is beneficial, but many reports indicate that those who are using it need to practice caution and...
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  • What Is Alpha GPC Choline? Alpha GPC Choline is naturally found in the body and works to deliver choline to the brain. This choline can be taken in supplement form and passes through the blood barrier to provide necessary choline to the brain for better brain function. It has been found this supplement may be […]

    A Brief Discussion of Alpha GPC Choline Laws In The UK

    What Is Alpha GPC Choline? Alpha GPC Choline is naturally found in the body and works to deliver choline to the brain. This choline can be taken in supplement form and passes through the blood barrier to provide necessary choline to the brain for better brain function. It has been found this supplement may be useful in treating Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias and is being studied for the many benefits it can offer those who suffer from problems with memory recall. This non-prescription drug...
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  • What Are The Main Alpha GPC Nootropic Qualities? Alpha GPC Choline and other types of choline get mentioned quite a lot in nootropics circles. Choline itself is actually an essential nutrient, and a lot of people are deficient in their choline resources without even knowing it. Cellular membranes are partly composed of choline, which is […]

    A Brief Review Of Alpha GPC Choline As A Nootropic Supplement

    What Are The Main Alpha GPC Nootropic Qualities? Alpha GPC Choline and other types of choline get mentioned quite a lot in nootropics circles. Choline itself is actually an essential nutrient, and a lot of people are deficient in their choline resources without even knowing it. Cellular membranes are partly composed of choline, which is part of why choline has so many benefits for such a wide range of different conditions. Many people stack choline, including Alpha GPC Choline, with all sorts of...
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  • What is Uridine Monophosphate Powder? Uridine Monophosphate is also called 5′-uridylic acid and this is found in many different foods in the form of RNA. Uridine Monophosphate is an organic molecule called nucleotides. When foods are consumed that contain Uridine Monophosphate, it is destroyed by the liver. In beer, it is found in very high […]

    Is Uridine Monophosphate Powder The Better Alternative?

    What is Uridine Monophosphate Powder? Uridine Monophosphate is also called 5'-uridylic acid and this is found in many different foods in the form of RNA. Uridine Monophosphate is an organic molecule called nucleotides. When foods are consumed that contain Uridine Monophosphate, it is destroyed by the liver. In beer, it is found in very high levels. It has to enhance properties and it is synergistic with fish oil. It is not an essential vitamin or a mineral. It comes available as a supplement and...
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  • What Is Piracetam? Piracetam is arguably the most popular smart drug around because of mostly positive results and low risk of overdose. It is a nootropic supplement used by millions globally. Mostly, it acts e brain and nervous system to increase certain activity in neurons, boosting production levels in an individual. Piracetam is the first […]

    The Benefits Of Using Piracetam

    What Is Piracetam? Piracetam is arguably the most popular smart drug around because of mostly positive results and low risk of overdose. It is a nootropic supplement used by millions globally. Mostly, it acts e brain and nervous system to increase certain activity in neurons, boosting production levels in an individual. Piracetam is the first compound designed from the racetam group of cognitive enhancers and is widely used in Europe, but has had troubles with the United States' Federal Drug...
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  • This is a nootropic supplement that belongs to the Racetam family and helps to provide a cognitive boost when consumed. The supplement has a history of being utilized to treat cognitive impairment. According to the experts, consumption of the supplement has been found to help in improving cognitive ability especially among people who are aging. […]

    What Are The Best Effects Of Using Piracetam?

    This is a nootropic supplement that belongs to the Racetam family and helps to provide a cognitive boost when consumed. The supplement has a history of being utilized to treat cognitive impairment. According to the experts, consumption of the supplement has been found to help in improving cognitive ability especially among people who are aging. The main Piracetam effects include better memory, mood, and focus. As a nootropic supplement that helps to boost the cognitive process, it also helps to...
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  • What Are The Main Sulbutiamine ADHD Uses? Sulbutiamine is a synthetic substance that is derived from Vitamin B1. It is known to have a more positive effect on an individual’s ability to focus, as well as their mood; however, it has also been shown to have a high risk of addiction, tolerance, and withdrawal, which […]

    The Effects Of Using Sulbutiamine For ADHD

    What Are The Main Sulbutiamine ADHD Uses? Sulbutiamine is a synthetic substance that is derived from Vitamin B1. It is known to have a more positive effect on an individual's ability to focus, as well as their mood; however, it has also been shown to have a high risk of addiction, tolerance, and withdrawal, which makes it extremely important for anyone who takes this substance to first understand all of the different side effects. Benefits Despite the fact that Sulbutiamine has its share of side...
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  • What Are The Main ALCAR Nootropic Benefits? More and more people are discovering a new form of smart drugs called nootropics. These are supplements that have beneficial effects on the human brain and have a whole host of a positive result when taking them such as increased focus, memory and mood enhancement. Those who use […]

    ALCAR Nootropic Supplements

    What Are The Main ALCAR Nootropic Benefits? More and more people are discovering a new form of smart drugs called nootropics. These are supplements that have beneficial effects on the human brain and have a whole host of a positive result when taking them such as increased focus, memory and mood enhancement. Those who use smart drugs are turning to more naturally derived forms of nootropics. ALCAR is such an organic nootropic, and its popularity has risen in recent years. ALCAR is an enhanced...
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  • What Is The Purpose For Using CDP Choline? CDP Choline should be a replacement to that brain supplement that you feel is not working anymore. This drug is known to be a great brain booster with great safety standards. It is even rated as having low toxicity levels as compared to other drugs classified as […]

    A Brief Review Of CDP Choline

    What Is The Purpose For Using CDP Choline? CDP Choline should be a replacement to that brain supplement that you feel is not working anymore. This drug is known to be a great brain booster with great safety standards. It is even rated as having low toxicity levels as compared to other drugs classified as brain boosters. The CDP Choline clinical trials have shown that the drug is good for treating conditions such as glaucoma, brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, and Hypoxia. My own personal CDP Choline...
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  • What is N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine? N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is a supplement to help clear the brain and enable it to function more clearly. It contains amino acids which are critical for a variety of body functions. Some of the body functions amino acids affect are: Making protein Muscle recovery Building muscles Cell growth and recovery Cognitive processes When you […]

    What Is N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine?

    What is N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine? N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is a supplement to help clear the brain and enable it to function more clearly. It contains amino acids which are critical for a variety of body functions. Some of the body functions amino acids affect are: Making protein Muscle recovery Building muscles Cell growth and recovery Cognitive processes When you take the supplement you enhance your body's natural acids and it will support and increase peak performance from both your...
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