Creatine is a great weight lifting supplement and nootropic, and is best if stacked with a variety of other nootropics, such as piracetam and choline, on mental function, take it by itself or atop a stack and see how your functioning improves.
Cognitive Enhancement Properties of Creatine
When one thinks of creatine, typical mindsets that arise are bodybuilding, gaining muscle mass, increased water intake and gaining fifteen pounds in as little as one week, but rarely as something that can improve brain function and mental energy. Yet aside from creatine’s meathead reputation, it is currently being used worldwide by individuals who want to boost their brain function. A nitrogenous organic acid found naturally in the human body, Creatine, and most notably Creatine Monohydrate, helps to supply the body’s cells with energy, in the form of muscle cells and brain cells, by promoting and influx of ATP production into these areas. Creatine Monohydrate in particular, has been clinically proven to be very effective for this purpose.
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- Creatine improves
- to the brain and body, which is why it is a nootropic, only five percent of it reaches the brain, but even at such a low availability of this in the brain, one will find that their mental energy and confidence goes up quite noticeably. If you workout alongside study while supplementing creatine, you will find that you are better, stronger faster, bigger and more confident. Though most say to cycle off creatine, this is actually a myth and is not necessary, as long as you are weightlifting on it, you can most definitely supplement creatine all 12 months of the year!
Creatine is extremely safe and well tolerated, and should only be used by adults as in children bones are still growing. No adverse side effects have been reported in teens using this supplement however, and overall this is an extremely safe and effective supplement. Possible side effects are dehydration, cramps, and possible stomach pains if not enough water is taken in.
Typical dosages range from 2.5 to 20 grams per day during what bodybuilders call a “loading” phase, in which creatine is taken in excess into the body in order to help it get into your system faster. Maximum dosages should not exceed 30 milligrams per day, and the typical dosing scale is 20 grams per day for the first 5- days, followed by a level off at five grams for the remainder of your cycle. Though you don’t technically have to cycle off of creatine, most bodybuilders with experience will tell you for best results both physically and mentally, one should typically
Mental Effects
Creatine’s mental effects come by way of energy and mental endurance, you will feel stronger, more alert, and much more focused while studying, and will be able to concentrate for longer periods of time than you otherwise would’ve. High dosages can lead results similar to if you were to buy modafinil online.
IQ improvements
While it may sound too good to be true, when creatine is stacked atop nootropics, the increase in mental energy increases iq score by up to several points (higher mental energy means you get through the test faster:).
My Review
Creatine definitely gave a significant burst of energy, and while the boost in mental function was noticeable all on its own, the boost really came when I added piracetam to the equation, an experiment I undertook with myself, the creatine added to my overall mental energy, and the piracetam really helped me kick it into high gear with my productivity and mental performance.
Final Thoughts
Creatine is a great weight lifting supplement and nootropic, and is best if stacked with a variety of other nootropics, such as piracetam and choline, on mental function, take it by itself or atop a stack and see how your functioning improves.
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