Is Tianeptine Available At GNC?

What Is Tianeptine And Is It Available At GNC?

Tianeptine is a prescription drug that is commonly used to treat depression and, to a lesser degree, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome and other maladies. Tianeptine is sold throughout the world, though not in the United States, under many brand names including Stablon, Coaxil, Tatinol, Tianeurax, and Salymbra.

Although it is classified as a tricyclic antidepressant, which means it contains three rings of atoms, it works differently than many other tricyclic antidepressants. It appears to treat depression through indirectly altering glutamate (neurotransmitter) receptors and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein found in the brain. The alteration of these two substances is believed to alter neural plasticity, or simply changes to the brain throughout life.


Although usually obtained only by prescription, some people have reported taking Tianeptine in order to boost mental performance, believing it increases clarity, memory, learning, and comprehension, although currently, no studies support this.


Tianeptine’s main benefits are its anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effect without the side effects found in other similar drugs; tianeptine does not appear to cause severe sedation, cardiovascular impacts or anticholinergic effects. For this reason, this medication is often used to treat populations particularly susceptible to problems in these areas such as elderly patients and those withdrawing from alcohol. Tianeptine has also been shown to be beneficial in a variety of other maladies ranging from ADHD to erectile dysfunction. GNC’s regulations regarding Tianeptine mean that the drug is not available in the store. It is a nootropic, and only can be found online (you can, however, buy it right off this website!


Tianeptine for depression is generally prescribed at 12.5mg, two to three times daily.

Side Effects

Tianeptine is notable for the lack of side effects common to other TCA’s. It shows fewer cardiovascular effects and fewer instances of dry mouth, constipation, sedation and appetite stimulation. One study did find it was most prone to causing liver damage, but the results were questioned due to the limited quality of the study.

Most common side effects, at up to the listed rate, include headaches (18%), dry mouth (20%), dizziness (10%), insomnia/nightmares (20%), constipation (15%), drowsiness (10%) and weight gain (3%). Other common side effects can include agitation, nausea, abdominal pain, agitation and irritability/anxiety.

Less common side effects are a bitter taste in mouth, muscle aches, orthostatic hypotension, gas, premature ventricular contractions, flushing, gastralgia, micturition disturbances, tremors, blurred vision, and palpitations. In very rare cases, Tianeptine can cause hepatitis, euphoria, allergic skin reactions, fatigue, hypomania, and ECH changes.

Long-Term Use

Long-term use is relatively safe as the risk of abuse is very rare and is usually only present in those with existing multi-substance abuse issues. Between 1989 and 2004, tracking in France showed an abuse rate of 1 to 3 cases per 1000 patients. The rate was 45 in 1000 patients from 2006 to 2011. However, there has been an increase in the rate of dependence, with some people taking it intravenously in order to induce an opioid-like high. For this reason, some countries have enacted tighter controls on the drug.

Studies have shown no additional side effects, aside from those listed above, to long term use of Tianeptine.

Safety Concerns

Aside from the listed side effects, Tianeptine is generally a very safe medication. Discontinuing from the medication can cause withdrawal symptoms so is best done under the supervision of a doctor.


Studies have shown that Tianeptine can effectively treat the major depressive disorder, presenting with or without anxiety, better than other medications and with fewer side effects. Another study showed positive results in those with panic disorder and another showed a positive impact in cognition for those suffering from depression-induced cognitive dysfunction.

Research has also shown it can be effective in treating depression related to Parkinson’s disease as well as PTSD. In addition, a study was done comparing tianeptine to a leading irritable bowel syndrome medication and it showed comparable efficacy with fewer side effects such as constipation and dry mouth.

A study was done in 1998 by the Central University of Venezuela Institute of Experimental Medicine. It lasted for 52 weeks and included a random, controlled study of children with asthma. Children that received tianeptine showed an increase in lung functioning. Additional studies also showed benefits in treating asthma both in children and adults.

An Egyptian study from 2005 showed benefits for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Additional studies have also shown its effectiveness in treating pain associated with fibromyalgia, and in the treatment of those with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Recent studies have also shown that it can be used to treat seizures.

Legal Status

Tianeptine is not currently marketed in the United States as the FDA has not approved its use and the patent has expired, offering no financial incentive for companies to fund clinical studies needed for approval and sale.

It has been approved for use around the world including in much of Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

Final Thoughts

Despite its many demonstrated benefits, tianeptine is not sold within the United States so can only be purchased online. It is generally considered safe at prescribed doses but due to the fact that it can only be purchased online, users would be advised to exercise caution.

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