Adderall and Nicotine – Benefits, Dangers and Side Effects

Adderall and Nicotine Benefits

The benefits of the two, while short-term, as both are very dangerous and highly addictive, are that they can give you a really big brain boost.

Adderall and Nicotine Dangers

Adderall and Nicotine dangers can be very serious, and you should stray away from them, as the combination can be very addictive.

My Experience with Adderall and Nicotine

Very effective, but also very addictive, steer clear.

The Book

The bottom part of this post will focus on the issues that Adderall can cause while not drinking or smoking. Read the chapters though, it gives you a first-hand look at what Adderall addiction is like, and there’s plenty in there of me not being able to sleep. You’ll be able to read the next chapter at the link at the bottom of this blog post. You need a doctor’s prescription to get Adderall and even then don’t take it as it’s very dangerous.

Chapter 13

Night fell around my house in what seemed like the blink of an eye and already having finished most of my work for the next few weeks, and enough to hold me over without Adderall for quite a time, I decided to use my motivation to something much more permanent.

I moved towards the office computer in my home as to start my online classes, put my headphones in with the door shut, and sat almost entirely still for the next several hours. “What lesson are you on sweetheart?” My mother asked, with an extremely worried tone in her voice that I had been working for so long. “I’m still on lesson one of the new module,” I said, trying to make my voice sound frustrated and angered. “What’s wrong, you need some help or…what is it, c’mon talk to me,” said my mother, trying to sound smart. I sighed “mom, I don’t know what’s up, this definitely shouldn’t be taking this long though, I mean, my friends are doing this exact same class, and they get a lesson done in under an hour” I replied. My mother seemed confused and pressed forward on the conversation “don’t worry honey, you’re probably just tired” she said. “I’m probably just trying to get the speed,” I thought to myself. “No mom, it’s not that I’m just tired, I mean, I feel like I can’t concentrate. For God sakes mom, I’ve been working on this same lesson for over three hours now” I said. “Yeah,” she said “you have been in here a long time. So what do you think it is?” She asked. “Mom, I don’t know” I replied, “All I know is that it’s got something to do with me not being able to focus.”

Immediately my mother pushed me out of the way and started to use what she called her “mother’s brain” (in my opinion her way of making herself feel smart and of keeping herself going in that she’d never had anything of a prestigious career). “Don’t worry,” she said “I’m usually pretty good at figuring stuff out” she added. “Ah, here we are symptom checker. Do you have difficulty concentrating?” She asked. “Yes,” I replied. “What about sitting still?” The

list went on and on, until, after nearly half an hour, in which I managed to fake each and every symptom, the conclusion came up. “Attention PI” my mother read off the screen. “What’s PI?” She asked. As she presumed to search the question, I said “primarily inattentive.” She seemed astonished, and a dull paranoia began to creep over me that making that one stupid, impulsive, naïve mistake may have been what caused my downfall on the whole charade. Instead, however, something amazing happened “there’s that impulsivity the site talked about,” said my mother. Immediately, I bit my lip, trying to control the extreme laughter inside of me from making it too obvious that I was faking.

From now on, everything I did continued in this same fashion. Everything I did was related to my disorder and was never just me cracking a joke, or just me having the personality of a teenager. Everything was because of my “Attention problems”, the biggest lie I had ever let leave my lips. I wondered if it was really going to be this easy if I could actually get my mother to get me into the doctor’s office. The internet was full of stories of kids faking it and successfully getting medication, and it seemed like a piece of cake. I had put together the perfect idea, and my amplified brain was ready to execute it perfectly.

I followed my mother into the kitchen “mom that’s it” I said with a twinkle in my eye “that’s it, everything makes sense now! Why I was so hyper as a kid, why Mrs. Samela, my fourth-grade teacher wanted me to get checked for Attention, and why I always asked teachers such stupid questions” I preached to her. “Oh my God you’re right,” she said in astonishment. “What’s the next step then, because I mean, I don’t want to put you on medication that’s for sure, and your father’s gonna got through the roof when I tell him about all this” she replied. “Mom, what if it comes down to that?” I said, “what if that’s the only option?” “Nope, I’m not gonna do that,” she said, “did you even read about the side effects on those medications, of course, you didn’t, you have Attention problems.” I actually began to feel hurt inside at this statement, in that my own mother was insulting me and my intelligence. At the same time, however, it sent chills down my spine that I could be getting my hands on a prescription, and as my brain cried out for the drugs, I was ready and willing to accept any insults that my family wanted to throw at me about my “disorder.” “Mom, I know the side effects are pretty horrifying,” I said “but if it’s the only answer, I think we ought to try it. In the meantime, let’s see if we can get a doctor’s appointment and ask if there’s some sort of natural alternative that can help me.” I knew that getting to the doctor’s office was the hard part, and that doctor’s push these medications like they’re candy; I said it all and said it all again, anything I could do to get my hands on a bottle of those little beads, those little red pills that would bring back my better and smarter self.


Chapter 14

The next morning, the tiredness was starting to get to my head as I attempted to reserve what was left of my stash. Coming off more pills than I had ever imagined taking however had left me more fatigued and underweight than the average junkie, and I worried my parents would notice. “Stephen, come look at this” my mother called out from the living room. “It’s an old tape from when you were a kid. Notice anything?” She asked. I stared at the television screen and rubbed my eyes, giving a loud and distinctive yawn. “Well, I seem to be bouncing around a lot,” I said. “Well then there’s your answer,” said my mother. “You have Attention problems, and you’ve had it since you were a kid. It definitely would explain most of your behaviors” she said. Looking back at it, I probably did have a minor form of Attention as a kid, but soon outgrew it well before my teen years, luckily enough. I knew, however, that with the extreme effects the drug had on me, that I definitely did not have it, and was just your average junkie, looking for his next fix. “You’re absolutely right, mom,” I said.

I walked out of the house and immediately headed straight for the cafeteria’s vending machines to pay Eric back for the pills he had fronted me, leaving my gut twisted that I was spending the last $30 dollars I had to my name on drugs. “There you go,” I said. “Thanks” he replied. “And don’t worry, if you ever need any more just text me.” “Right,” I said “no problem.” I hated myself for doing this, but as my tolerance grew, my immune system plummeted, and I needed almost two entire pills just to function daily, I knew there was no way I could pass all my classes or have a life without trusted Adderall by my side.

Getting home that day, however, posed more random acts and accusations that one could expect “James, I’ve found out what we’re going to do to cure your Attention” said my mother. My eyes lit up, and I readied getting down on my knees and screaming in excitement. Was it a doctor’s appointment? When was it going to be, how soon before I got it? I thought to myself. “We’re going to put you on a magnesium regiment for the next month,” she said. My elevated mood sank, and I tensed my muscles in anger. “What mom, no, C’mon, I have classes now, I think we should ask the doctor what he thinks,” I said, scared out of my mind. “Honey, just hear me out, c’mon, it’s only a month, and your grades are fine, nothing’s going to happen,” she said. It seemed as though I wasn’t going to get anywhere arguing with her at this point, as I nodded my head and depressively retreated to my room.

I leaned back in my chair and accepted that I was done. So much for college, so much for making something special out of my life; I was going to bomb my classes, and the withdrawals were going to take everything I had out of me for the remainder of the semester. I was done, out of money, out of solutions, and out of options. All that was left to do was ration what was left of my Adderall and sit back as the withdrawals started, and I was forced to endure what was likely the most horrid period of my life that lie ahead.

Chapter 15

“James, c’mon take your magnesium now,” my mother said, fighting to wake me up. I held back a cough and the horrible headache I was undergoing from the withdrawals and swallowed a chalky, large, and white magnesium pill. I knew that the school day that lies ahead of me wasn’t going to be fun, but had no idea how unbearable it was actually going to prove until the lightheadedness reached its fullest on the walk to school. I wanted to die, and as I napped in the first hour, letting thoughts of suicide creep up on me as I practically hallucinated from my high fever, I felt a tap on my shoulder. “James, you feeling okay?” Asked a concerned Mrs. Polinger in a Columbian accent that I had now grown accustomed to “Yeah, I’m fine, just kind of sick” I said. “I know” she replied “you don’t look so good, and you’re burning up,” she said, placing her head on my forehead, “Why don’t you go to the clinic, go on now Steve, c’mon” she said, handing me a bright yellow hall pass. Suddenly the thought hit my disorganized and suffering brain “clinic!” If the magnesium was making me sick to my stomach, then that means my mother wasn’t right, and that I really did need to see a doctor.

I walked down to the school nurses office complaining of a falsified stomachache and dialed my mother’s cell phone number on the school’s phone. “Hello?” My mother said, finally picking up the phone after the third ring. “Mom I’m not feeling really well,” I said. “I feel really nauseated and I haven’t been feeling quite right ever since I took that magnesium this morning,” I said, trying to hold back the evil smile from the now habitual and second nature lies. There was a pause, and I couldn’t tell if I sensed anger in my mother’s voice when she said “Oh yeah…I read that was a possible side effect” she said. I laughed and laughed quietly to myself, able to tell by the soft tone of my mother’s voice that she felt bad about what she had supposedly “done.” “Honey I’m sorry alright, it’s just that I’m not used to this. I know I’m not a doctor, and that the medicine would probably help you, but I told your father what I was planning on doing in taking you to the doctor and he threw a fit” she said.

At this I gritted my teeth and fists, realizing that my father was the only thing standing in the way of my goal. “Well that really sucks I guess,” I said in reply, trying to mimic a sad and passive feeling rather than an angered and active tone in my weakened voice. There was a long pause before she responded “are you still there” and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m here” I replied. “Well then you should probably also know that your father thinks you’re just faking Attention problems to get drugs,” she said, blatantly and sincerely. My heart skipped a beat, and I was sure I was going to faint right on the floor. “Your father was trying to convince me that he thinks you just got addicted to it off your friends at school, and now you need it to function,” she said, finishing off. Oh, God! He knew about my previous stash all along! I thought to myself “but no more” my mother started up again “your father’s not getting his way this time like he did all those other times. I’m taking you to the doctor, and we’re going to do what he thinks is best, not what I think, or what your father thinks, because God knows, we are not doctors” she said, hanging up the phone at this amazing and triumphant conclusion.

I breathed a sigh of relief and hung up the phone “you feeling okay” the office attendant said, noticing my enthusiasm in the conversation on the telephone. I smiled, “yeah. Better actually, much better” I said, cracking a smile, and sitting down in excitement, breathing a sigh of relief and relaxing as for a moment my withdrawals seemed to dissipate. I sat down in the office, waiting for my mother to pick me up, and finally feeling something sober than I hadn’t in nearly a month, happiness and hope. Hope that I could do well in school, that I was going to be successful, and with a newfound motivation for life that had seemed to leave me the moment my wallet was emptied for good.

Minutes later, my mother soon marched down the long hallway that was our school’s office, hugging me and saying “how are you feeling?” “Not so good actually,” I said, “I still feel pretty sick.” I could see the worry in her face “it’s okay, let’s get you home” she said.

As soon as I arrived home, I hopped into bed, acted sick, waited for the door to close, and smiled away. The happiness seemed to flush through my entire body. An hour later, my mother knocked on the door, having just gotten off the phone with my pediatrician “Stephen, your doctor’s appointment is tomorrow at four pm, right after school.”

End of Excerpt* Back to the post now…sorry if the book was annoying

Adderall and Nicotine and What it Feels Like

So basically when you combine the two, holy heck you are in heaven, and you feel like a King. Probably not supposed to say that on here since I’m selling supplements and what not, but I’ve been on Adderall before and smoked a cigarette and the buzz is something out of a movie. Unfortunately… is the crash. When it all wears off, it’ll leave you tired, depressed and begging for more, steer clear of it.

Why you should use Adderall and Nicotine

Don’t…but if I can think of one possible situation, make it when it’s an event that success is crucial on, like a test four days away, the LSAT’s, or a speech that you can’t risk going wrong.

Why you should refrain from Mixing the Two? Addictiveness

These two might be some of the most addictive drugs on the planet. There are currently 40 million people using Nicotine, and as many or more that take stimulant medications. Its dangerous, addictive, and once you start its hard to stop..take my word for it.

Final Thoughts on the Combination of Adderall and Nicotine

Very powerful, very effective, yet also very addictive, and can put a strain on your overall health. Steer Clear.

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