What Are The Benefits Of Using Aniracetam?

What Is Aniracetam?

Aniracetam is a compound that belongs to the group Racetam and it is formulated to have a common pyrrolidone structure. Since the compound is fat soluble, one needs to consume it with fatty acids and furthermore it is cholinergic. As a nootropic, it acts a positive modulator of excitatory receptors which are known as AMPA and helps to decrease the rate of receptor desensitization. This has been found to manifest as a controlled and prolonged neurological stimulation effect. Since AMPA receptors differs, the modulators affect the brain in different ways. The main benefits have been found to to aid with collective and holistic thinking, helps to increase blood flow as well as activity in the area of the brain known as association cortex.

Uses For Anxiety

The supplement has been found to have stimulating effects which help to calm and relax the user. Anxiety is usually brought about by overactive analysis, worrying fixation and obsession with past embarrassments and failures. This has been found to increase due to the stimulation of GABA-b receptors that usually follows after consuming the supplement.

For people with anxiety disorders such as social anxiety, the supplement can help by lowering inhibitions. This is beneficial to people who are usually shy when in social contexts. The active ingredients formulated with the supplement help to eliminate anxiety.

Uses As A Sleeping Aid

The active ingredients in the supplement help one to fall asleep as a result of its stimulating effects. This leads to the body producing hormones that help to make one calm and relaxed. For people who are fatigued, calmness and relaxation allow them to fall sleep with ease.

Although the supplement has stimulating effects, the sleeping aid effect usually works for a few hours but they are enough to ensure one gets the much needed rest.

Uses For Studying

As a nootropic, the supplement has been found to improve memory as well as the learning capability. This includes improved memory as well as enhanced learning capability. This has made the supplement to be a favourite among students who are undertaking various program.

The active ingredients in the supplement help to improve one’s memory capacity therefore as a student, one will be able to retain a lot of information that will be useful during an exam. This helps the student to remember the vital points during an exam therefore ensuring that the student passes.

The one thing that users need to know is that the effects of the supplement may vary from one user to another. This means that there are users who will be able to experience strong effects and begin to immediately remember everything while others may start to remember small and subtle details.


Some of the noted benefits are:

Improved Mental Performance

As a nootropic supplement, Aniracetam effects have been found to improve mental performance. This includes improved memory as well as enhanced learning capability. This has made the supplement to be a favorite among students who are undertaking various courses.

The active ingredients in the supplement help to improve one’s memory capacity therefore as a student, one will be able to retain a lot of information that will be useful during an exam. This helps the student to remember the vital points during an exam therefore ensuring that the student passes.

The one thing that users need to know is that the effects of the supplement may vary from one user to another. This means that there are users who will be able to experience strong effects and begin to immediately remember everything while others may start to remember small and subtle details.

Improves Focus

The active ingredients in the supplement have been found to improve focus therefore acting as a focusing agent. This means that users attention are highly improved therefore one will have the ability of focusing and concentrating more in what they do.

The supplement has been found to serve in improving mental fluidity therefore making even simple and routine tasks such as reading and writing to flow with ease. This has enabled individuals to perform simple everyday tasks without using a lot of effort.

Acts A Stimulant

There are users who have reported the supplement to have stimulating effects therefore feeling more calm and relaxed after consuming the supplement. The active ingredients in the supplement help to stimulate the brain therefore leading to the production of hormones that help to ensure that the user feels relaxed and calm.

This is advantageous especially for users who were feeling stressed and fatigued due to every day task such as working, reading or even writing. With improved mood and improved concentration, one is able to undertake tasks and complete them with ease. The improvement of learning capabilities is one of the main Aniracetam benefits that is so seductive.

Recommended Dosage

In order to ensure that the supplement works as required, one needs to consume it according to a particular dosage. The recommended dosage of 1000 – 1500 mg a day has been found to be very effective.

Since the tablets of the supplement are available in 750mg, the user is required to consume them three times a day in order to achieve the 1500 mg required. The supplement has a highly bitter taste, therefore, users can purchase capsules instead. The Aniracetam benefits are best felt at 750-1500mg taken 1-3 times daily. For best effects, some users “mega-dose” the drug, a technique in which 10x the recommended amount is used at once in an effort to get the drug in one’s system faster.

Side Effects

Just like other nootropics, Aniracetam has been found to have mild side effects and the most common one is headache. The reason many people will experience headaches after consuming the supplement is because the body and the brain will be trying to get used to the increased levels of choline.

There are times where the receptors may demand more than its being produced therefore leading to occurrence of headaches. The best way to counteract this effects is to simply add a choline vitamin such as Alpha GPC in your body therefore relieving the headaches.

There are mild side effects such as increase in nervousness and GI tract distress. This has been found to occur due to excessive dosage therefore the only way to counteract the side effects is to lower the current dosage rate. Aniracetam benefits are wholly exclusive when taking choline, as it potentiates the drug.


As a supplement that improves learning and concentration, it achieves this by decreasing the rate of receptor desensitization in the brain therefore helping to improve memory formation. This has been found not to affect choline uptake therefore helps to encourage acetycholine release

It has been found to also increase the production of dopamine and serotonin via the supplements cholinergic mechanism therefore resulting in improved judgement among users. This is the reason why the supplement has been found to have stimulating effects therefore acting as an anti depressant.

Through the general mechanism of AMPA modulation, Ampakines can upregulate the brain derived neurotrophic factor for long periods. These effects have been found to increase adult neural plasticity.

Is Aniracetam Legal?

Every nation has its laws and government agencies which are mandated to regulate drugs and chemical compounds as well. Since the drug agencies are mandated by law, drugs can be moved off and on the list. It is important for users to consult relevant drug agencies in their countries or where they plan to travel to in order to know if a particular drug is acceptable.

In the US, the FDA has not regulated the use of Aniracetam therefore it remains in a grey area outside of regulartory process. US residents are free to purchase the supplement without any prescription as there are no legal restrictions since it is not a controlled substance. The supplement is available for purchase in nutrition stores and online stores as well.

In the UK, different agencies work in tandem to regulate and monitor drugs. As the supplement is currently not regulated in the UK, users in UK can purchase and possess small amounts of the supplement for individual use. If one is ordering the supplement from outside UK, they need to order 1-3 months of supply at a single time in order to avoid custom delays.

In Canada, the supplement has not been issued with a drug identification number therefore making it unregulated. As it is not approved, Canadian residents can order and use the supplement and they may posses it for personal use considering they purchase 1-3 months supply.

In Australia, the supplement is not a Schedule 4 prescription drug nor is it on the list of poisons therefore users can purchase it for personal use only.

Safety Concerns

Toxicity is one of the dangers that many researchers have reported. When users take too much of the drug, it has been found to lead to high levels of toxicity in the body. Toxic studies on the supplement have shown that humans have a high threshold. This means that humans are able to survive toxicity levels from the supplement without high levels of side effects.

Although the studies were conducted on animals, the lack of harsh effects on animals has also been found to occur in humans.

Other dangers of the supplement are attributed to its derivative of GABA which is a neurotransmitter that conducts it work on Acetylcholine system therefore helps to reduce one’s levels. Although this is not dangerous, one needs to use a choline vitamin supplement to counteract the effects. With a little tweaking and self analysis, one can ensure that no problems affect you in the long run.

Many people who want to enhance their memory retention need to know that the supplement dangers are not very important to worry about. As far as risk is concerned, studies have shown that people who consume the drug do not put their lives in danger. This has led to popularity of the drug therefore many people are continuing to take it so as to improve their memory.

Final Thoughts

The supplement is beneficial to people in various ways. The supplement has been found to improve one’s memory therefore ensuring that one is able to remember events with ease and also have the ability of retaining information in large volumes. This has led to the popularity of the supplement among students.

The supplement also helps to improve one’s focus and concentration therefore allowing the user to accomplish tasks with ease. Improved focus and concentration allows one to go about their day and night duties with ease and improved results.

The supplement has also been found to help in treating social anxiety as it helps to calm and relax the user. This is beneficial to people who are shy when in public. After consumption of the supplement, the individual is able to eliminate their anxiety therefore being able to interact with others easily.

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