Sulbutiamine Withdrawal?

Sulbutiamine Withdrawal

Sulbutaimine was developed in Japan as a more efficient form of vitamin B12. This makes it more active compared to things like thiamine due to its actions on dopamine and norepinephrine. It has more strength in crossing the brain barrier, the makings to have more drastic effects in its functions, and a greater potency than most other nootropics or caffeinated beverages. It is so strong in comparison, its able to be used alone (or together), with other nootropic drugs to better serve their functions in the brain. Vitamin B12, also known as thiamine, functions at a very low effect compared to the drug Sulbutaimine. It is therefore, the choice for many, as small doses can treat minor chemical imbalances near completely.

 Mechanism of Action

The drug has the same mechanism of function as thiamine, only that its activities are more enhanced and produce results faster in comparison. The drug functions to enhance the synthesis of acetylcholine and GABA, the two great neurotransmitters of the brain. It also stimulates the glutaminergic areas, making its stimulating effect more profound. It is more efficient in crossing the blood brain barrier due to its highly lipophilic properties (makes it water soluble and easily broken into small portions) in order  to serve its functions. Its absorption rate is extremely rapid, and the drug kicks in fully in around thirty minutes. In comparison to many other Amines, such as PEA or amphetamines, sulbutiamine produces a very similar yet much more subtle effect, it also bears almost no side effects, and only a minor crash that lasts for a short period of time-a polar opposite of ADHD psychostimulants, which can leave you with a “hungover” type feeling for days on end-and which pose a lengthy withdrawal period when one ceases taking them.It improves the memory capacity of the brain, helps you focus better, lasts for 6 to 8 hours, and is one of the most potent nootropics available. Sulbutiamine is a safe, reliable alternative to conventional and dangerous stimulants; typical dosages are from 500mg-2 grams per day, usually dosed in three seperate sittings (and dosed with a meal for best effects). What one usually feels when taking a sulbutiamine is a type of focused yet subtle energy boost (nothing like many other amine’s) as well as improved vision and a significant nootropic effect.Within 15 minutes you’ll notice a sense of increased energy, and by the 30 minute mark, you’ll feel a stimulating nootropic effect very similar to that of Phenylpiracetam or Adrafinil.
Sulbutiamine Withdrawal

If not used in proper therapeutic dosages, pesky side effects can build up. These can include a slight twitch, slight insomnia, restlessness, stress and dilated pupils..again this is in a case that extremely high dosages are used, and that one does not take proper precautions and research before using this nootropic.

Sulbutaimine withdrawal effects.

Tolerance has been reported to emerge quickly in the usage of this drug. It is therefore, good that right doses are used to control this

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More about Sulbutiamine

occurrence from building up.  It mostly occurs in the energy boosting effect,as people will feel weak without the drug after they withdraw it (kind’ve like a caffeine withdrawal, not severe by any means, but annoying nonetheless). However, it is not “addictive” persay,because it is not a psychoactive compound, you will not have sulbutiamine cravings, it is a safe, yet fairly potent nootropic, and if misused or taken improperly, can result in increased adverse side effects. This tolerance can be avoided by using the right dose at regulated frequency. The dosages are not clear, but according to the most commonly used one, it is 100mg daily. Reduction of the dose in continued use is the best way to prevent the Sulbutaimine withdrawal effects. The racetams, such as Aniracetam, Piracetam, Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam, can also be stacked in conjunction with sulbutiamine to not only minimize tolerance, but improve the strength of sulbutiamine, both short term and long!


  1. Jeremy
    , 2016-07-11

    B12 is cobalamin.. B1 is Thiamine.


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